The biodiversity TOUR

Best time to go: November - March / All year
Duration: 8 full days -8 nights
Group size: from 2 - max 6 person
Starts in: Santa Marta
Finishes in: Santa Marta
Price: U$2320 per person
This tour starts in Bogotá city, where we will visit a couple fo nice places around the city that offer great photo opportinities for hummingbirds and tanagers.
Then we have a flight to the city of Santa Marta in the north cost, we will spend couple of nights in Minca, a small coffe village in the foothills of the Santa Marta mountains. In Minca we will visit nature reserve with bird feeders. Then visit the iconic El Dorado Reserve in the highlands of the mountains where we spend 3 night photographing hummingbirds, tanagers and other endemic species of birds and other wildlife such as a great variety of frogs, reptiles, insects and different mammal species
Then we will visit the Tayrona park area and surroundings in search for some endemic primate species, birds and other species of wildlife such as reptiles and insects
Our trip continues to the Guajira penninsula, in this dessertic area we will fin a huge variety of birds along bushy trails and feeders areas. There is a huge diversity of aquatic birds such as American Flamingo and also reptiles.
From the north of the country we will head to the south, to the Amazon basin one of the most biodiverse spots in the planet. Here we will explore trails in the forest, rivers and lakes in order to photograph the amazing variery of living things, from mammlas such as different species of primates, reptiles and frogs, lots of insecst and of course many bird species.