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In Colombia the huge Andean mountains split into three main ranges or cordilleras: The Eastern, Central and Western Andes. Despite their similarity in lanscape and geography these ranges hold different and quite interesting species among them, making it the most diverse area of Colombia. 


The Central and Western mountain ranges hold the biggest Colombian diversity, with highlands landscapes dominated by cloud forest and snow peak volcanos. More than 30 endemic birds can be seen among these huge mountain ranges. 






After arrival to Cali's airport transport to Faro del 18 Hotel in the outskirts of the city.



During the first day of birding we wil walko for almost 2km along a dirt road with a lot of forest and farmland where we might encounter Andean solitaire, Chestnut-breasted wren, Yellow-headed brush-finch, Varigated Bristle-tyrant, Barred becard and Uniform Antshrike. Then we'll spend most of the day in a farm that has feeders fpr hummingbird and tanagers that attract Multicolored tanagers, Saffron-crowned, Golden-naped, Golden and Beryl-spangled tanagers, Red-headed barbet, Crimson-rumped and Emerald Toucanets, Long-tailed syplh, Botted racket-tails among many others



In this day we'll drive and bird along the old road to Buenaventura and visit El Queremal town and a Farm with feeders that atract Silvery-throated tanager, Toucan barbet, White-tailed hillstar among many others. Then return to Cali.



Early drive from Cali to Yotoco Forest Reserve where we'll watch birds for the morning and could have views of Chestnut-crowned gnateater, Greyish piculet, Torquise dacnis, Chestnut Wood-quail and Scale-crested pigmy-tyrant. Then continue our drive to Montezuma lodge in the boundaries of the Tatamá National Park where stay for three nights.



In the first whole day in this magnificent we we'll explore the highlands in search for key species such as Chestnut-bellied flowerpierce, Munchique Wood-wren, Smoky bush-tyrant, Black-billed mountain-toucan aand many more. On the way down during the rest of the day we might see Gold-ringed and Black-and-gold tanagers, Glistening Green tanager, Orange-breasted fruiteater, Tatama tapaculo, Fulvous-dotted treerunner, Pale-eyed thrush, tanager finch and black solitaire.



In this day we'll concéntrate on the missing species and explore the lowparts and around the lodge in search for Crested ant-tanager, Moustached puffbird, Variable seedeater, tawny-bellied hermit and many more



After some birding around the lodge we will drive to Pereira city where stay for one night at Otun Quimbaya National Park, good place for Cauca guan, Red-ruffed fruitcrow, Torrent duck, Chestnut woodquail and more



We will drive up along the dirty road, early in the morning we might see Hooded antpitta, White-capped tanager, Collared trogon, wedge-billed hummingbird, Stile's tapaculo, Black-winged and black-billed saltators, Three-striped warbler, Blue-necked and Fawn-breasted tanagers. In the afternoon we will drive to Manizales city where stay for a couple of nights.





In this day we will visit Rio Blanco Reserve where we attend antpitta feeders and watch birds inside the forest. In the afternoon watch the hummingbirds and tanagers that come to the feeders.


DAY 10

An early visit to Los Nevados National Park will reward us with great scenery and bird opportunities. Main target species are Buffy helmetcrest, Scarlet-bellied mountain-tanager, Tawny antpitta, Hooded mountain-tanager, Rainbow-bearded thornbill, Golden-breasted puffleg, and great sapphirewing. On the way back we will stay in Tinamu nature reserve in the surroundings of Manizales city for two nights


DAY 11


Early birding along the trails of the reserve and feeders where we might see Bar-creasted and Great Antshrike, Blue-lored antbird, Little tinamou, Green honeycreeper, Scrub tanager, Long-billed starthroat, Acorn woodpecker, Guira tanager, Highland Motmot, Grey-headed dove and Common potoo.


DAY 12

Birding in the morning around the lodge and feeders and then transport towards Jardín town, making birding stops on the way.


DAY 13

Birding for th whole day in the highlands searching for birds such as Yellow-eared parrot, Chestnut-crested cotinga, Sword-billed hummigbird, Golden-crowned tanager, Green Jay, etc.  Visit to Andean Cock of the Rock's lek in the afternoon. Another night at Jardín town.


DAY 14

Early birding in the morning and then transport to Medellín for two more nights.


DAY 15

Visit for the whole day to La Romera in the surrounding of the city to look for Red-bellied grackle, Blue and black tanager. Then return to Medellín 




Dates 2023: July 7 - 21

                       December 1 - 15

Also on request through the year

Duration: 15 full days - 16 nights 

Group size: Minumum 2 person / Max 6 person

Starts in: Bogota

Finishes in: Bogota

Price: U$3450 per person / Minumum 2 person

It includes local flight from Bogota to Yopal and return, all ground transportation in 4x4 vehicle, 7 nights of accommodartion with all meals with drinks, guiding services, local guide, all activities such as Safari, Boat trip, walks, entrance to bird feeders.


Please get in touch for a detailed itinerary and availability

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